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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Bridge made of... Paper???

 A group of 3rd graders were amazed when they were introduced to their challenge.  They all knew that bridges were made of wood, steel, concrete and logs but when they were told they only have paper and the to use, many thought it could never be done.  Their teamwork and dedication paid off as all groups were able to construct a bridge using the unusual materials.  The structure not only had to look like a bridge, it had to function as one too.  It had to past a weight test (5 pound book), a car traveling over the bridge and a boat going under the bridge.  It took several tries for some students, but in the end they all learned a few things about construction and the Scientific Method.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Wind Powered Cars

Fifth Graders were recently greeted with a challenge of creating a wind powered car.  The goal was to create a vehicle using only paper, straws and tape to travel 15 feet.  The wind came from a box fan which allowed them to have a controlled testing area.  

They all did a great job of creating a unique project using the Scientific Method.