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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Engineers at work!


The year always finishes up with some engineering groups in ELP.  These groups do a multitude of activities, some are planned out, some have to follow "blue prints", while others are creatively thought of by the students.  After some general planning and drawing the students get to build as they desire.  So many different ideas come out of this unit, even when given the same directions.  They had a great did I seeing these projects come to life.


Monday, May 20, 2024

Spring Noetic MATH Winners


Each Fall and Spring students from all over the country participate in the Noetic Math Challenge Test.  Students at West Elementary accepted this challenge and we had a lot of great test scores.  Over 39,000 students from 43 different states took part in the spring challenge.  Ernesto, Miles, Aubree and Memphis were the class winners.  Miles test score was high enough to earn him the National Honor Roll Medal, placing him in the top 10% of ALL 5th Graders in the country.  Great job students, keep up the high level learning attitude!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

2024 AEA Central Rivers Math Bee

The annual AEA Central Rivers Math Bee took place on May 7th.  Sixth Grade students, Weslan, Memphis, Aubree and Rachel took part in this competition that saw 40 teams represented and almost 200 total students.  The students work on five different groups of mathematical problems under short time constraints.  The five subject areas include: Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, and Ratios and Proportions.  Each team member takes these test on their own to add to the team score.  Students also work as a team to answer the "Team Work" portion of the event to add the final points to their cumulative total.  West Elementary students have consistently done well at this event, and these students continued that tradition.  These students ended up 3rd Place overall out of 40 teams!  A huge congratulations to the students and their teachers for pushing kids to not only learning the standard curriculum, but going above and beyond to maximize their potential!  Well done STUDENTS!!!


Friday, April 19, 2024

Eastern Iowa Poetry Awards


The Eastern Iowa Reading Council Creative Writing Contests have been judged for the 2023/24 school year.  Two different Mustangs were winners at their respected grade levels this year.  Matthew at Grade 9, and Kendall at grade 5.  Great work kids, proud of your vast knowledge of many different abilities, including your creativity!

Friday, April 5, 2024

Iowa State University WISE Conference

 A few 8th grade students were able to attend the ISU WISE Conference once again this year.  WISE stands for Women In Science and Engineering.  It is a campus group that comes together to accomplish many great things throughout the lives of women while attending school at ISU.  This amazing conference gives young girls a chance to work with students and professors at ISU in science and engineering fields.  It is an awesome experience, and day of learning for these young girls.  

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

3D Printed Trains

 Kids started with a sketch on some graph paper and ended up with wonderful 3D models of train cars.  Great job using the TINKERCAD program for your final projects kids!!!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Final Report of Learning

 Students have been testing hypothesis in the past months.  The conclusion to each challenge is the final report.  This is a culmination of all their thoughts, data and drawings of their project.  They always seem to amaze me how well they can work through problems and show their progress.  WELL DONE KIDS!

Friday, February 2, 2024

Wind Powered Cars

 5th Grade students have been learning about the power of wind using the Scientific Method.  Many different designs were built, however only a few made the goal of 180 inches.  The students were able to try different types of cars, learn from their tests and then create new models to improve their distance.  It was a lot of seeing these kids test their models, learn from mistakes and in the end complete their goal.